CPFL Energia SA Upgraded to Outperform by Zacks (CPL)

Feb. 7

Zacks upgraded shares of CPFL Energia SA (NYSE:CPL) from a neutral rating to an outperform rating in a research note released on Thursday morning, AmericanBankingNews.com reports. They currently have $16.80 target price on the stock.
Zacks has also updated their ratings on a number of other utilities stocks in the last week. The firm downgraded shares of ZipRealty to a neutral rating. Their analysts now have a $4.80 price target on that stock. Also, Zacks downgraded shares of Stanley Furniture Co. from a neutral rating to an underperform rating. Their analysts now have a $2.90 price target on that stock. Finally, Zacks reiterated its neutral rating on shares of WPP PLC. They have a $109.00 price target on that stock.
Shares of CPFL Energia SA (NYSE:CPL) traded up 1.28% during mid-day trading on Thursday, hitting $15.05. 171,813 shares of the company’s stock traded hands. CPFL Energia SA has a 52 week low of $14.24 and a 52 week high of $23.00. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $15.47 and a 200-day moving average of $16.81. The company has a market cap of $7.241 billion and a P/E ratio of 17.04.
Source: http://tickerreport.com/banking-finance/128123/cpfl-energia-sa-upgraded-to-outperform-by-zacks-cpl/?
