Solar Pebble To Provide Light And Power For Poor Africans

by Energy Matters

Kerosene is still heavily used in poorer parts of Africa as a fuel for lighting. According to a 2003 study, In Durban, South Africa more than seven out of ten households in low-income metropolitan areas rely on kerosene for domestic purposes, leading to widespread problems of poor indoor air quality.

The burning of kerosene generates nitrogen dioxide, benzene and toluene. Nitrogen dioxide is known to affect both respiratory and immune systems, benzene is carcinogenic and toluene is also toxic. Additionally, kerosene combustion also generates high levels of carbon dioxide.

Quite a few initiatives have been launched in recent years to help poor African families have access to safe, affordable and environmentally lighting, such as Solar Aid, which also seeks to integrate solar power on a larger scale for poorer regions.

